Your Body is Like a Clock

Time keeps on ticking
Guest post by Dan Petraglia.
I know, we’re getting old right? We need to reevaluate something. We need to reach for things within our reach, and that’s hard to do sometimes.
Assessing yourself is key. Whether your 20, 30, 40, or 50 doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters now is how you go about losing weight and staying fit from here on out.
Don’t worry about how fit or lazy you were in the past, looking forward is always more important in life than looking back. But you are getting older. The older you get, the harder (for most) it is to saddle up and get back on that horse and ride.
Don’t hesitate, procrastinate, or over evaluate. That’s just wasting time. You need to start somewhere. Start fresh. X out all of your previous eating and workout habits’, even if a few were working for you.
Formulate and strategize a whole new plan of attack. An attack on your body that is. Once you get a rhythm going, and the new tactics are slowly making progress, re-insert what you already had successfully working for you before only intensifying those methods. I’ve seen this strategy prevail for many.
Now with your diet, your body responds well to good foods like fruits and vegetables. It responds badly to fried greasy fating preservative cluttered and processed garbage.
I remember the last time I was at a Burger King. I got one small burger and water. After finishing, about 20 minutes later, I had a headache, nausea, drowsiness, and abdominal pain. As you can see, I’m someone who doesn’t eat fast food, almost ever. What happened? My body told me, that’s garbage; don’t let that stuff in again, or next time I’ll take matters into my own hands and throw it out myself.
When your body isn’t used to junk, it lets you know. On the opposition, when you eat healthy foods, your body says, “Uh, more please!”
I know sometimes it can be hard finding tasteful options that are healthy ones, but they’re there, trust me, you just need to look a little harder is all. As you age, your body can either reward or punish yourself for your previous eating habits’. This is scary. It really is.
Now you can be scared. Who knows, one day you could get a clogged artery and blockage gets back to the heart. In this particular scenario, um, you die. This happens all the time to people every day.
On the other hand, if you ate right for a long time, you could live to be a 120 years old. I don’t know if I’d want to be that old, because that’s freaking old, but I’m just trying to make a point. People are like fine wine, most only get better with age.
Eating right can even elevate ones mood. It’s hard to understand how one can relate to the other, but this is all true, I’ve done the research, believe me. Remember, don’t let your age be an excuse to producing less of what your potential can offer. Good luck guys.
About the Author – Dan Petraglia runs a weight loss and fitness information blog. Unique exercise, dieting, and nutrition information, products, programs, and services are provided. Follow Fitness and Weight Loss Central on Facebook and Twitter.
Photo: Andrew C.
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November 25, 2011 at 5:29 am
Thanks for sharing this great article. I totally recognize it I also don’t eat a lot of junk food but when I do I feel terrible after.
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